What gun and size tip should I use to spray the WETWET clear?
A. 1.3 – 1.4 Tip is recommended. Any gun can be used when spraying the WETWET clears.
What psi is recommended when spraying the WETWET clears?
A. The Kandy Factory suggests spraying from 35psi depending on your choice of gun. The WETWET clears lay down smoother with slightly more pressure than the typical 29psi.
Which WETWET clear should I use as they all sound the same?
A. This will depend on your job and the type of work you are doing;
WETWET – for clear over base and re-clearing over existing finishes
WETWET PLUS – for clear over base, re-clearing, kandies, final flow coats
WETWET XTREME – for clear over base, Kandies, final flow coats, tapelines and artwork flowout
How long should I leave it between coats?
A. Depending on the speed of the activator we suggest 15-25min between coats. The touch test will help to determine when the next coat should be applied, the finger should ‘snap’ from the masking and not string.